Presentation Guidelines
We are delighted to meet you at XR-Metaverse International Conference in Maastricht. Here is a short description about how to do your presentation at the conference.

Audio-Visual Equipment:
Each presentation room comes equipped with a computer, LCD projector and screen. The computers will be configured with Windows Operating System as well as with Microsoft Office and AdobeAcrobat Reader.
Please bring your presentation files in flash-drive / USB stick only. We suggest that you keep a backup copy either on your cloud or other online storage in case the flash-drive is misplaced.
Presenters using their own laptops are reminded to bring along the necessary HDMI adapter to connect to the video projector. We regret that due to the many different brands/models of laptop, we are not able to provide other corresponding adapters.

Length of your presentation:
Total duration is 20 minutes (presentations should be 15 min maximum and 5 minutes of Q&A) for each oral presentation. Please refer to the Final Program for the actual presentation schedule.
You are requested to be at the presentation room at least 10 minutes before the session starts, before the start of the session to allow them to test the system and meet the chair of the session.

During your presentation:
Please be considerate of the other speakers and audience by staying within your allocated time. The allocated time for your presentation includes a discussion and a changeover to the next speaker.
Session Chairs will keep track of the allocated time. This is essential to ensure adequate time for questions and discussion with the session chair, presenters and attendees as well as adherence to the schedule.
A conference assistant is continuously in the session, to support the technical and organizational operations.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at